I found this recipe for homemade Doggie Treats in an All You magazine. Wanting a cute homemade project to give to some serious dog lovers, I started by reducing the recipe down in size on my printer. Then I trimmed them leaving an nice white edge.
I gathered felt pens, tags, and stickers to embellish the white paper boxes.
I found these super cute puppy and paw print stickers at our local craft store. I chose bright orange, yellow, and red polka-dot ribbons to add a burst of color. Look at the adorable tiny metal doggie bone biscuit cutter you can use for this project. I purchased this one especially with two little imps in mind.
I rolled the recipes up into scrolls and tied them with the colorful pastry string. Then I created personalized gift tags with felt markers and placed the stickers on the box.
Here they are all wrapped up and ready to give. I'm sending these to California, so I double bagged them in zipped plastic bags to keep them as fresh. I also instructed everyone to put them in the refrigerator as soon as they arrive and use them up as fast as possible. Three a day will not spoil your pup and maybe you can use them to teach good habits. I freeze mine right away. When our son's dog, Lucky, comes to visit, I take out 3 for the day.
I decided that after my first attempt, they needed extra flavor (yes, I tasted one), so I added frozen peas and shredded carrots. I think the added color and nutrition was appreciated by all the pups!
The mixture is really easy to work with. This part is actually a joy considering my last attempt at rolling out cookies for the annual Cookie Swap at Christmas time proved challenging!
The end result: Beautiful crunchy/soft, pumpkin colored biscuits that will bring a surprising, and noticeable smile to a beloved canine or two.
Here's Kellen & Sophie with their dog, Andy. They are my inspiration for the gift boxes and sharing this amazing recipe with. I think Andy can smell the treats through the box!
Here's Lola, Teddy, and Noah. These are Kellen's and Sophie's grandma's and grandpa's dogs. Nanny dog Lola looks like she is say, "Just open it already!"
The three of them gathered for the feast. Too cute! I wish I was there to giggle!
Here's the beautiful Cali, Kellen's & Sophie's Great grandma's & grandpa's dog. Isn't she a doll? Thanks Cindy for the awesome pix! Mission accomplished!!!
Here's the new, improved, and more tasty version that I use now. Have fun. Ruff, ruff!